BHC offers a wide range of services to our customers:
Program Evaluations
External Quality Review Organization (EQRO)
Administrative, Financial, and Professional Support

BHC consultants possess expertise in management of delivery systems, research and evaluation methodology, and direct service delivery. Our evaluation and consultation model involves stakeholders at multiple levels, Through individualized evaluation design, ongoing project management, and active/participatory consultation, we have provided program feedback that has impacted policy at state and national levels.
External Quality Review Organization (EQRO)
BHC is federally certified (by Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services) as an External Quality Review Organization (EQRO). We have contracts with the State of California to provide quality reviews of MediCal mental health managed care services in all 58 counties and also MediCal Substance Use Services. We have provided EQRO services for Missouri Medicaid Managed Health Care for over twelve years, which also includes mental health and substance use. We have also provided state-wide evaluations of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS) in Missouri
Click here to see CA EQRO Reports
Administrative, Financial, and Professional Support Services
We have successfully completed over 60 contracts in the past twenty years. Part of this success comes from organization and proper planning activities. We have assisted many businesses and state agencies in developing efficient, well-functioning support systems. BHC consultants provide practical, working solutions you need.